The Advent School

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A Rainbow Extravaganza!

Have you ever marveled at the beautiful arch of colors that appear in the sky after a rainstorm? Rainbows may seem magical, but they are actually science in action. Advent's pre-kindergarteners, known as ECC or Early Childhood Center, recently embarked on a colorful adventure during Research and Investigation (RI) to learn more about them.

Research and Investigation (RI) is a dedicated time for students and teachers to collaborate on emergent, co-constructed curricula and overarching themes. RI uplifts Advent's mission of a forward-thinking curriculum, engaging a student's passion for learning, connecting to social justice themes, and fostering a culture of collaboration. Specialist teachers weave their art, music, yoga, science, Spanish, library, and PE expertise into RI and uplift thematic learning across the grades. 

ECC's exploration began with discussing what colors are in a rainbow. Some believe purple is included, and others disagree! One student shared, "There's actually no purple because my sister told me, and she's a smart girl." Their RI progressed into what rainbows are and how they are formed. By doing research, they learned:

  • Lunar rainbows are real! The moon can create a rainbow, er, a moonbow.

  • Rainbows are endless! Rainbows keep going as long as there are water droplets and light.

  • Your view is unique! The rainbow might appear slightly different depending on where you stand and how you look, making it a totally personalized experience.

Students continued their exploration through paint mixing. The class challenged themselves to see how many colors they could create using the primary colors - red, blue, and yellow). They learned that adding white paint makes colors lighter, and black paint gives you a darker hue.

By the end of their rainbow adventure, pre-k students were bursting with knowledge about how rainbows are formed. They also had a newfound appreciation for the beauty and science behind this natural wonder. The next time you see a rainbow, take a moment to appreciate your unique experience!